
Our Challenge

We have grown 110% in 9 years with our vision to produce future Christian leaders, who the world needs today! Help support our students with cutting-edge resources, while also serving the church and community. Pray about standing with us and giving. #FAHereweGo

I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.

John 10:10

Foundation Academy Students On Steps

$1,000,000 Transformational Gift

Read The News Release

Foundation Academy Celebrates $1,000,000 Gift

Giving Progress


To complete PHASE I of the campaign, we need a total of $4,500,000 for the Cafeteria/Worship Center. This will be a place for our students, families and church members to laugh, enjoy fellowship and grow lifelong friendship with a space that provides:

  • 14,000 Square Feet 
  • Holds 400 Cafeteria style
  • Holds 600 Church Worship/Chapel style 
  • Serves enhanced nutritious meals & coffee area
  • Ability to host practice plays & other school activities 

Campaign Projects

Phase 2: Tilden Campaign $10,000,000 

High School Building (Projected completion: Fall 2025) Includes:

  • Science Labs, Fine Arts, Mac Lab, TV Production Green Room, Coding Classrooms & more.. 

Phase 1: Tilden Campaign of $12,500,000

  • Athletic Complex Field, Scoreboard & Bleachers COMPLETE
  • Roads/Parking – COMPLETE
  • New Gym Annex – COMPLETE
  • Classroom building I – COMPLETE
    • 2 Science labs,
    • 7 Classrooms
    • Art studio & Band room
  • New Robotics Room – COMPLETE
  • Cafeteria/Worship Center – IN PROGRESS ($4.5 Million)
Foundation Academy Students With Dave Buckles

Naming Opportunities

Download Brochure

Contact Liefke Meyers for more information:
Cell: 407.496.3904 

Plaque Naming Form

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Family Name Display

Our future is bright and exciting.

Liefke Meyers

Liefke Meyers

Chief Development Officer
Read Bio
FA Senior 12 scaled

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